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时间: 2024-10-08 01:48:02


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "prognosis" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The doctor provided a favorable prognosis for the patient's recovery. (医生对患者的恢复提供了乐观的预测。)

2. The prognosis for patients with advanced cancer remains uncertain. (对于晚期癌症患者的预后仍然不确定。)

3. Early detection often improves the prognosis of many diseases. (早期检测通常可以改善许多疾病的预后。)

4. Despite the initial prognosis, the patient showed remarkable improvement. (尽管最初的预后不佳,患者显示出显著的改善。)

5. A poor prognosis can be devastating news for both patients and their families. (不良的预后对患者及其家人来说可能是毁灭性的消息。)

6. The prognosis of heart disease depends on various factors such as lifestyle and genetic predisposition. (心脏病的预后取决于诸如生活方式和遗传倾向等各种因素。)

7. The doctor explained the prognosis in simple terms that the family could understand. (医生用家人可以理解的简单术语解释了预后。)

8. With proper treatment, the prognosis for this type of injury is generally good. (通过适当的治疗,这种类型的损伤通常预后良好。)

9. Research is ongoing to improve the prognosis of rare diseases. (正在进行研究,以改善罕见疾病的预后。)

10. The prognosis of a stroke can vary widely depending on its severity and the timeliness of treatment. (中风的预后因其严重程度和治疗的及时性而有很大不同。)

11. The doctor discussed the long-term prognosis with the patient and their family. (医生与患者及其家人讨论了长期的预后情况。)

12. Despite the grim prognosis, the patient remained hopeful. (尽管预后不妙,患者仍然保持希望。)

13. Early intervention is crucial for improving the prognosis of developmental disorders in children. (早期干预对改善儿童发育障碍的预后至关重要。)

14. The prognosis for infections can worsen if not treated promptly. (如果不及时治疗,感染的预后可能会恶化。)

15. The doctor will provide updates on the patient's prognosis as they monitor their condition. (医生会在监测患者情况时,就患者的预后情况提供更新。)


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