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时间: 2024-10-08 05:45:37


Certainly! 这里有关于"agnostic"的例句及其中文解释:

1. She described herself as an agnostic, unsure of whether any god exists. (她自称为不可知论者,对是否有神存在并不确定。)

2. He takes an agnostic approach to the theory, preferring to remain skeptical until more evidence is presented. (他对这个理论持不可知论立场,更倾向于保持怀疑态度,直到有更多证据被提出。)

3. The scientist maintained an agnostic viewpoint on the origins of the universe. (科学家对宇宙起源保持不可知论观点。)

4. Being agnostic about the outcome, she prepared for any possibility. (对结果持不可知论态度,她做好了应对任何可能性的准备。)

5. The debate between believers and agnostics often centers around the existence of a higher power. (信徒和不可知论者之间的辩论常常集中在是否存在更高的力量上。)

6. His agnostic beliefs allowed him to appreciate the diversity of religious practices without committing to any one faith. (他的不可知论信仰使他能够欣赏到宗教实践的多样性,而不必承认任何一种信仰。)

7. As an agnostic, she felt comfortable attending religious ceremonies out of respect for her friends' beliefs. (作为一个不可知论者,出于对朋友信仰的尊重,她觉得参加宗教仪式是可以接受的。)

8. The philosopher's agnostic stance emphasized the limitations of human understanding in matters of spirituality. (哲学家的不可知论立场强调了在灵性问题上人类理解的局限性。)

9. Agnostics often advocate for a rational, evidence-based approach to understanding the world. (不可知论者通常主张通过理性和基于证据的方法来理解世界。)

10. Despite being raised in a religious family, he adopted an agnostic viewpoint as he grew older. (尽管他成长在一个宗教家庭,但随着年龄的增长,他采纳了不可知论的观点。)

11. Agnostics acknowledge the mystery surrounding ultimate questions about existence and purpose. (不可知论者承认围绕存在和目的的最终问题存在的神秘性。)

12. Her agnostic beliefs allowed her to remain open-minded about different spiritual paths. (她的不可知论信仰使她能够保持对不同精神道路的开放态度。)

13. The professor's lectures on philosophy often touched upon the agnostic viewpoints of ancient thinkers. (教授在哲学讲座中经常涉及古代思想家的不可知论观点。)

14. Agnostics approach religious texts with a critical eye, questioning their historical accuracy. (不可知论者以批判的眼光看待宗教文本,质疑它们的历史准确性。)

15. The agnostic position encourages exploration and inquiry into spiritual matters without presuming definitive answers. (不可知论立场鼓励对精神问题进行探索和询问,而不假定有明确的答案。)


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