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时间: 2024-10-08 07:59:18


Certainly! "Ignoramus" 是一个拉丁语词,意为“无知者”或“愚蠢者”,通常用来指称一个十分愚蠢或无知的人。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. He's such an ignoramus when it comes to basic math.

- 他在基本数学方面真是个无知者。

2. She proved herself to be an ignoramus by asking such a simple question.

- 她问了这么一个简单的问题,证明了她真是个愚蠢的人。

3. The candidate's speech revealed him to be an ignoramus on foreign policy.

- 候选人的演讲显示他在外交政策上是个无知者。

4. He made an ignoramus of himself by mispronouncing all the important names.

- 他因为把所有重要的名字发错音而显示出自己是个无知者。

5. Don't listen to him; he's just an ignoramus trying to sound intelligent.

- 不要听他的,他只是一个试图显得聪明的无知者。

6. His comments betrayed him as an ignoramus in the field of literature.

- 他的评论显示他在文学领域是个无知者。

7. She felt like an ignoramus in the computer class because she couldn't even turn it on.

- 她在电脑课上感觉自己像个无知者,因为连开机都不会。

8. The new intern was eager to learn and didn't want to appear as an ignoramus.

- 新实习生渴望学习,不想显得自己是个无知者。

9. He was embarrassed when his lack of knowledge made him look like an ignoramus in front of the professor.

- 当他的无知使他在教授面前看起来像个无知者时,他感到很尴尬。

10. Being labeled an ignoramus motivated her to study harder.

- 被贴上无知者的标签激励她更加努力学习。

11. The actor portrayed an ignoramus in the comedy, constantly making silly mistakes.

- 这位演员在喜剧中扮演了一个无知者,经常犯愚蠢的错误。

12. Despite his efforts, he couldn't shake off the reputation of being an ignoramus in the office.

- 尽管他努力了,但他无法摆脱在办公室被称为无知者的声誉。

13. She didn't want to appear as an ignoramus in front of her colleagues, so she studied the subject thoroughly.

- 她不想在同事面前显得像个无知者,所以她把这个主题学得很透彻。

14. His constant questions during the lecture made him seem like an ignoramus to the rest of the class.

- 他在讲座期间的频繁问题让其他同学觉得他像个无知者。

15. The author portrayed the antagonist as an ignoramus who relied on brute force rather than intelligence.

- 作者将反派描绘成一个依赖蛮力而非智慧的无知者。


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