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时间: 2024-10-06 22:50:59


Certainly! "Gradation" refers to a progression or series of gradual stages or steps. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The colors of the sunset changed in a beautiful gradation from deep orange to soft pink. (夕阳的颜色从深橙色渐变到柔和的粉红色,非常美丽。)

2. His promotion at work was a result of his consistent effort and gradation of responsibilities. (他在工作中的晋升是他持续努力和责任逐步增加的结果。)

3. The course is designed to teach students the gradations of skill required for advanced painting techniques. (这门课程旨在教授学生高级绘画技术所需的技能层级。)

4. She adjusted the volume of the music in small gradations until it reached the perfect level. (她逐步微调音乐的音量,直到达到完美的水平。)

5. The novel explores the gradations of human emotions with deep insight and sensitivity. (这部小说以深刻的洞察力和敏感性探索了人类情感的层次。)

6. The new model of car comes in a gradation of colors from bold to subtle. (新车型有从鲜明到柔和的各种颜色层次。)

7. The artist used gradation in shading to create a sense of depth and dimension in the painting. (艺术家在绘画中运用渐变色调来营造深度和立体感。)

8. The company implemented a gradation of benefits based on seniority to retain experienced employees. (公司根据资历实施了福利逐步增加的政策,以留住有经验的员工。)

9. The movie director carefully orchestrated a gradation of tension throughout the film to keep the audience engaged. (电影导演在整部电影中精心安排了张力的层次,以吸引观众。)

10. The policy change will be rolled out in a gradation of phases over the next year. (政策变更将在接下来的一年内逐步实施。)

11. The mountain trail winds up the peak in a gradual gradation of difficulty. (登山小径逐渐增加的难度直至山顶。)

12. The artist achieved a realistic effect by using gradation in the shading of the portrait. (艺术家通过在肖像的阴影中使用渐变效果达到了逼真的效果。)

13. The therapist helped her patient navigate the gradations of grief after the loss of a loved one. (治疗师帮助她的患者度过了失去亲人后的各种悲伤层次。)

14. The chef's recipe book explains the gradation of cooking times for different cuts of meat. (厨师的食谱书详细解释了不同肉类部位的烹饪时间渐变。)

15. The company’s policy offers a gradation of bonuses based on performance metrics. (公司的政策根据绩效指标提供不同层次的奖金。)


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