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时间: 2024-10-06 20:59:41



1. The degrading comments made her feel worthless. (这些侮辱性的评论让她觉得一文不值。)

2. Slavery was a degrading institution that stripped people of their dignity. (奴隶制是一种羞辱人尊严的制度。)

3. The degrading conditions in the prison were inhumane. (监狱里的恶劣条件是不人道的。)

4. He refused to participate in the degrading hazing rituals. (他拒绝参与那些侮辱性的入会仪式。)

5. The film portrayed a degrading portrayal of women. (这部电影描绘了一种贬低妇女的形象。)

6. The soldiers were subjected to degrading treatment by their captors. (士兵们遭受了敌人的侮辱性对待。)

7. The comedian's jokes were considered degrading and offensive. (那个喜剧演员的笑话被认为是侮辱性的并且冒犯人。)

8. Being fired in front of his colleagues was a degrading experience for him. (在同事们面前被解雇是对他而言一种羞辱。)

9. The living conditions in the slums were degrading and unsanitary. (贫民窟的生活条件恶劣且不卫生。)

10. The company implemented a policy to prevent degrading workplace harassment. (公司实施了政策以防止工作场所中的侮辱性骚扰。)

11. She felt degrading pity from her friends after the accident. (事故后,她感受到了朋友们的同情,这让她感到羞辱。)

12. The students were punished with degrading tasks for their misconduct. (学生因不当行为而被处以侮辱性任务作为惩罚。)

13. The degrading portrayal of minorities in the media sparked public outrage. (媒体对少数群体的贬低描绘引发了公众的愤怒。)

14. The degrading conditions of the nursing home shocked the inspectors. (养老院的恶劣条件让检查员感到震惊。)

15. His degrading behavior towards his employees led to high turnover. (他对员工的侮辱行为导致了高流失率。)


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