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时间: 2024-11-09 01:21:00



1. The shipwreck lay stranded on a hummock of sand. (这艘失事的船搁浅在一块沙丘上。)

2. They sat on a grassy hummock to have their picnic. (他们坐在一座长满草的小丘上野餐。)

3. The tundra was dotted with small hummocks of moss and lichen. (苔原上布满了小小的苔藓和地衣丘。)

4. He climbed the hummock to get a better view of the surrounding landscape. (他爬上小丘以便更好地观察周围的景色。)

5. The hummocks in the field were covered with wildflowers. (田地里的小土丘上开满了野花。)

6. She found a shady hummock under the tree and rested there. (她在树下找到了一个阴凉的小丘,便在那里休息。)

7. The sledges bumped over the hummocks of ice. (雪橇在冰丘上颠簸着前行。)

8. They built their shelter on a hummock above the floodplain. (他们在洪泛平原上方的一个土丘上建立了避难所。)

9. The hummocks of rubble marked the site of the demolished building. (碎石的土丘标志着那座被拆毁建筑的位置。)

10. The children loved playing hide-and-seek among the hummocks. (孩子们喜欢在小土丘之间玩捉迷藏。)

11. The marsh was covered with hummocks of peat. (沼泽上覆盖着一块块泥炭土丘。)

12. They clambered over the hummocks of grass to reach the top of the hill. (他们爬过一片片草丘,到达了山顶。)

13. In the Arctic, polar bears often rest on ice hummocks. (在北极,北极熊经常在冰丘上休息。)

14. The path wound through hummocks of heather and bracken. (小路蜿蜒穿过石南和蕨类植物的小土丘。)

15. The garden was landscaped with gentle hummocks and mounds. (花园中设计了柔和的土丘和小丘。)


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