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时间: 2024-11-08 22:39:07


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "hydrate" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated during exercise.

- 运动期间多喝水以保持水分补充。

2. The lotion helps to hydrate and soften your skin.

- 这种乳液有助于保湿和软化你的皮肤。

3. It's important to hydrate your body after being in the sun all day.

- 整天暴露在阳光下后,及时补充身体水分很重要。

4. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of natural hydration.

- 水果和蔬菜是天然水分补充的良好来源。

5. This facial mask is designed to deeply hydrate your skin.

- 这款面膜旨在深层补水你的皮肤。

6. Athletes are constantly reminded to hydrate before, during, and after a competition.

- 运动员们在比赛前、中、后都会不断被提醒补充水分。

7. Coconut water is known for its ability to hydrate and replenish electrolytes.

- 椰子水以其补水和补充电解质的能力而闻名。

8. The hydrating properties of this shampoo make it ideal for dry hair.

- 这种洗发水的保湿特性使其非常适合干燥的头发。

9. After a long flight, it's important to hydrate and rest.

- 长途飞行后,重要的是补充水分和休息。

10. Drinking water regularly helps to keep your body hydrated.

- 定期饮水有助于保持身体水分充足。

11. She applied a hydrating cream to her face before going to bed.

- 她在睡前涂抹了一层保湿霜在脸上。

12. Hydrate your skin from the inside out by drinking plenty of fluids.

- 多喝水可以从内而外地补充皮肤水分。

13. During hot weather, it's crucial to hydrate more frequently.

- 在炎热天气中,更频繁地补充水分至关重要。

14. The body requires adequate hydration to function properly.

- 身体需要充足的水分才能正常运作。

15. Using a hydrating mask can help combat dryness caused by cold weather.

- 使用保湿面膜可以帮助对抗寒冷天气导致的干燥。


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