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时间: 2024-10-05 22:47:38


“Adjudge” 是一个法律术语,主要指的是裁定、判决或者认为某事是某种状态的过程。以下是15个包含“adjudge”的例句及其中文解释:

1. The court will adjudge the defendant guilty of the charges.

- 法庭将裁定被告对指控有罪。

2. The judge is expected to adjudge the case by the end of the month.

- 法官预计将在月底之前判决此案。

3. The committee will adjudge the best entry for the competition.

- 委员会将裁定比赛中最优秀的参赛作品。

4. The arbitrator was called in to adjudge the dispute between the two parties.

- 仲裁员被召来裁决两方之间的争端。

5. The jury will adjudge the fairness of the contract.

- 陪审团将裁定合同的公平性。

6. He was adjudged the winner of the chess tournament.

- 他被裁定为国际象棋锦标赛的冠军。

7. The referee must adjudge the game according to the rules.

- 裁判员必须根据规则来判定比赛。

8. The judge will adjudge whether the evidence is sufficient for the trial.

- 法官将裁定证据是否足够进行审判。

9. She was adjudged as the most promising young artist.

- 她被评定为最有前途的年轻艺术家。

10. The board will adjudge the proposals based on their feasibility.

- 委员会将根据提案的可行性来做出裁定。

11. The final decision will be adjudged by the senior management team.

- 最终决定将由高级管理团队裁定。

12. It is up to the judge to adjudge the credibility of the witness.

- 由法官来判断证人的可信度。

13. The dispute was adjudged in favor of the plaintiff.

- 争端被裁定有利于原告。

14. The panel will adjudge the winner of the essay contest next week.

- 小组将在下周裁定论文比赛的获胜者。

15. The Supreme Court will adjudge on the constitutionality of the new law.

- 最高法院将裁定新法律的合宪性。


上一个 【英语】rejection的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】prejudge的例句



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