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时间: 2024-10-06 20:55:57


当然,请看以下关于 "injunction" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The court issued an injunction to stop the construction of the new highway.(法院发布禁令以停止新公路的建设。)

2. She sought an injunction to prevent her former employer from using her designs.(她寻求禁令以阻止前雇主使用她的设计。)

3. The company was ordered to comply with the injunction or face severe penalties.(公司被命令遵守禁令,否则将面临严重处罚。)

4. The union applied for an injunction to prevent layoffs.(工会申请了禁令以防止裁员。)

5. The injunction was lifted after negotiations between the parties.(在双方谈判后,禁令被解除。)

6. He violated the injunction by contacting the witness.(他违反了禁令,与证人联系。)

7. The judge imposed an injunction against the distribution of the leaked documents.(法官对泄露文件的分发发布了禁令。)

8. They obtained an injunction to halt the demolition of the historic building.(他们获得了禁令以停止对历史建筑的拆除。)

9. The court granted an injunction preventing the sale of counterfeit goods.(法院颁发了一项禁令,阻止销售假冒商品。)

10. The environmental group sought an injunction to protect the endangered species.(环保团体寻求禁令,以保护濒危物种。)

11. The judge refused to issue an injunction, citing lack of evidence.(法官拒绝发布禁令,理由是缺乏证据。)

12. The temporary injunction was extended until the trial concluded.(临时禁令延长至审判结束。)

13. The court issued a preliminary injunction pending further investigation.(法院发布了初步禁令,等待进一步调查。)

14. The injunction was upheld by the appellate court.(上诉法院维持了禁令。)

15. They violated the injunction and were held in contempt of court.(他们违反了禁令,并被判藐视法庭。)

希望这些例句能帮助理解 "injunction" 这个词的用法和意义。

上一个 【英语】conjuncture的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】subjunctive的例句



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