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时间: 2024-10-06 16:45:49



1. The judge enjoined the company from continuing its harmful practices. (法官命令公司停止其有害做法。)

2. The contract explicitly enjoins all parties to confidentiality. (合同明确要求所有参与方保密。)

3. The law enjoins citizens to pay taxes annually. (法律要求公民每年缴纳税款。)

4. Religious teachings often enjoin kindness and compassion. (宗教教义通常教导仁慈和同情。)

5. The coach enjoined the team to give their best effort in the final match. (教练要求球队在决赛中全力以赴。)

6. The doctor enjoined the patient to rest and avoid strenuous activity. (医生建议患者休息,避免剧烈活动。)

7. Company policy enjoins employees to maintain a respectful workplace environment. (公司政策要求员工保持尊重的工作环境。)

8. The school enforces rules that enjoin students from cheating. (学校执行规定,禁止学生作弊。)

9. The new regulations enjoin drivers to wear seat belts at all times. (新规定要求驾驶员始终系安全带。)

10. The manager enjoin the staff to complete the project by the deadline. (经理要求员工在截止日期前完成项目。)

11. The court enjoined the landlord from evicting the tenants without proper notice. (法院禁止房东在没有适当通知的情况下驱逐租户。)

12. His doctor enjoin him to take medication daily for his condition. (他的医生建议他每天服药来治疗他的病情。)

13. The professor enjoin the students to conduct thorough research for their thesis. (教授要求学生为他们的论文进行彻底的研究。)

14. The board enjoin the CEO to improve corporate transparency. (董事会要求CEO提高公司的透明度。)

15. Social norms often enjoin individuals to respect cultural traditions. (社会规范常常要求个人尊重文化传统。)


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