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时间: 2024-10-06 16:41:02


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "disjointed" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The meeting was so disjointed that no decisions were made. (会议非常零散,没有做出任何决定。)

2. Her speech seemed disjointed, jumping from one topic to another. (她的演讲看起来零碎不连贯,跳来跳去。)

3. The movie's plot felt disjointed and confusing. (电影的情节感觉杂乱无章,令人困惑。)

4. His disjointed sentences made it hard to follow his argument. (他断断续续的句子使得很难理解他的论点。)

5. The team's performance was disjointed due to lack of practice. (由于缺乏训练,团队的表现显得零散。)

6. The book is a collection of disjointed anecdotes rather than a cohesive narrative. (这本书是一系列零散的轶事,而不是一个连贯的叙述。)

7. The company's strategy appeared disjointed with conflicting goals. (公司的战略看起来不太协调,目标有冲突。)

8. His disjointed thoughts were reflective of his distracted state of mind. (他零散的思绪反映了他心神不宁的状态。)

9. The music sounded disjointed as different instruments played out of sync. (音乐听起来零乱不堪,因为不同的乐器演奏不协调。)

10. The conversation was disjointed, with frequent interruptions. (对话断断续续,经常被打断。)

11. The team's efforts seemed disjointed until they found a common goal. (团队的努力似乎是支离破碎的,直到他们找到一个共同的目标。)

12. Her writing style is intentionally disjointed to reflect the chaotic nature of the protagonist's life. (她的写作风格是有意零散的,以反映主人公生活的混乱性质。)

13. The project suffered from disjointed planning and execution. (项目因为规划和执行不协调而遭受损失。)

14. His disjointed memories of the accident made it difficult for him to testify in court. (他对事故的零碎记忆使他很难在法庭上作证。)

15. The professor's lecture felt disjointed as he tried to cover too many topics in one hour. (教授的讲座因为试图在一个小时内涵盖太多话题而显得零散。)


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