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时间: 2024-10-06 16:49:01


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "disjoin" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The puzzle pieces were disjoined, making it difficult to complete the picture. (拼图的片段已分离,使得完成图片变得困难。)

2. The committee decided to disjoin the two issues for separate consideration. (委员会决定将这两个问题分开进行独立考虑。)

3. His remarks seemed to disjoin from the topic of discussion. (他的言论似乎与讨论的主题脱节。)

4. The accident disjoined the train from its locomotive. (事故使火车脱离了机车。)

5. Their differing opinions disjoined them as friends. (他们不同的观点使他们作为朋友分道扬镳。)

6. The storm disjoined the branches from the tree. (暴风雨将树枝从树上掰了下来。)

7. The conflict disjoined the once united community. (这场冲突使原本团结的社区分裂了。)

8. The court order disjoined the business partners. (法院的命令使商业伙伴分道扬镳。)

9. She tried to disjoin herself from the negative influences around her. (她试图摆脱身边的负面影响。)

10. The earthquake disjoined the road, cutting off access to the village. (地震使道路中断,无法通往村庄。)

11. The power outage disjoined communication between the offices. (停电使得办公室之间的通讯中断了。)

12. The teacher disjoined the disruptive students from the rest of the class. (老师将捣乱的学生与班上其他学生分开了。)

13. The company decided to disjoin its retail division from its manufacturing operations. (公司决定将其零售部门与制造业务分离开来。)

14. Over time, the continents disjoined, forming separate landmasses. (随着时间的推移,大陆分裂开来,形成了独立的陆地。)

15. Their viewpoints on the project disjoined them into opposing camps. (他们对项目的观点使他们分成了对立的阵营。)

Hope these examples help clarify the usage of "disjoin"!

上一个 【英语】subjunctive的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】disjointed的例句



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