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时间: 2024-11-09 02:08:43


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations for "ablution":

1. After prayers, Muslims perform ablutions as a ritual cleansing of the body. (穆斯林在祈祷后进行沐浴,作为身体的宗教洁净仪式。)

2. The priest washed his hands meticulously as part of the ablution before the ceremony. (牧师在仪式前进行详细的手部洗礼。)

3. In some cultures, ablution involves washing not only the body but also the face and hands. (在一些文化中,沐浴不仅涉及洗身体,还包括洗脸和洗手。)

4. Ablution is seen as a spiritual act of purification before entering the sacred space. (在进入神圣空间之前,沐浴被视为一种灵性净化行为。)

5. The ablution ceremony in the temple symbolizes the cleansing of sins and impurities. (寺庙中的沐浴仪式象征着洗净罪恶和污秽。)

6. Before the baptism, the priest instructed the candidates to perform ablutions to symbolize spiritual purification. (在洗礼之前,牧师指示候选人进行洗礼,象征着灵性的净化。)

7. Hindus often perform ablutions in the river Ganges as a form of ritual purification. (印度教徒经常在恒河中进行沐浴,作为一种仪式上的净化。)

8. The act of ablution signifies the beginning of a new spiritual journey for many believers. (沐浴的行为象征着许多信徒新的灵性旅程的开始。)

9. Ablutions were conducted in ancient times before entering certain sacred places. (在古代,进入某些神圣场所之前进行沐浴仪式。)

10. She performed her ablutions in the early morning, preparing herself for the day ahead. (她在清晨进行沐浴,为即将到来的一天做好准备。)

11. The Quran outlines the specific steps for ablution before prayer. (《古兰经》详细描述了祈祷前的沐浴具体步骤。)

12. Ablution is not only a physical act but also a mental and spiritual preparation for worship. (沐浴不仅是一种身体行为,也是一种心理和精神上的崇拜准备。)

13. Traditional Japanese tea ceremonies begin with an ablution to cleanse the hands and mouth. (传统的日本茶道仪式从洗手和漱口的沐浴开始。)

14. Ablution rituals vary greatly across different cultures and religions. (沐浴仪式在不同的文化和宗教中有很大的差异。)

15. The act of ablution serves as a reminder of purity and humility before God. (沐浴的行为提醒人们在上帝面前保持纯洁和谦卑。)


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