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时间: 2024-10-07 04:57:50



1. She is literate in three languages, including English, French, and German. (她精通三种语言,包括英语、法语和德语。)

2. In today's digital age, being computer literate is essential for many jobs. (在当今的数字化时代,掌握计算机技能对许多工作来说至关重要。)

3. The literacy rate in the region has improved significantly over the past decade. (该地区的识字率在过去十年间显著提高。)

4. He is culturally literate, with a deep knowledge of classical music and literature. (他有文化修养,对古典音乐和文学有深厚的了解。)

5. The organization aims to promote financial literacy among young adults. (该组织旨在提高年轻人的财务素养。)

6. Even though she's not formally educated, she is remarkably literate in history and philosophy. (尽管她没有正式教育,但她在历史和哲学方面知识渊博。)

7. The campaign focuses on making every child literate by the age of 10. (该运动致力于确保每个孩子在10岁之前都能识字。)

8. The course aims to make participants politically literate, helping them understand government policies. (该课程旨在使参与者具备政治素养,帮助他们理解政府政策。)

9. She became environmentally literate after studying sustainability issues in college. (她在大学学习可持续发展问题后,对环境问题有了深刻的了解。)

10. Despite his young age, he is scientifically literate and loves experimenting with chemistry sets. (尽管年纪轻,他在科学方面颇有造诣,并喜欢进行化学实验。)

11. The workshop aims to make participants media literate, teaching them to analyze news sources critically. (这个研讨会旨在使参与者具备媒体素养,教会他们批判性地分析新闻来源。)

12. As a professor, he is not only literate in his field but also passionate about sharing knowledge with his students. (作为一名教授,他不仅在自己的领域内有很高的素养,而且热衷于与学生分享知识。)

13. The literacy program targets adults who never had the opportunity to learn to read and write. (该识字计划针对那些从未有机会学习读写的成年人。)

14. The organization's mission is to ensure that every citizen is digitally literate by 2030. (该组织的使命是确保到2030年,每位公民都具备数字素养。)

15. Being emotionally literate helps individuals manage their feelings and understand others better. (具备情商有助于个人管理情感,并更好地理解他人。)


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