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时间: 2024-10-07 21:09:14


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with "aquamarine" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The jewelry store displayed a stunning aquamarine necklace in the window. (珠宝店橱窗展示了一条令人惊叹的海蓝宝石项链。)

2. Her eyes sparkled like aquamarine in the sunlight. (她的眼睛在阳光下闪烁着像海蓝宝石一样的光芒。)

3. The beach had sands that shimmered with hints of aquamarine. (沙滩上的沙子闪烁着淡淡的海蓝宝石色光泽。)

4. He gifted her a pair of earrings with aquamarine stones for her birthday. (他送给她一对生日礼物是带有海蓝宝石的耳环。)

5. The water of the Caribbean Sea often appears aquamarine in color due to its clarity. (加勒比海的水因其清澈而常常呈现海蓝宝石般的颜色。)

6. The artist painted the sea with shades of aquamarine and turquoise. (艺术家用海蓝宝石和绿松石的色彩描绘了大海。)

7. Her dress was a beautiful aquamarine hue that complemented her eyes. (她的连衣裙是一种美丽的海蓝色调,与她的眼睛相得益彰。)

8. The hotel room had a soothing décor with aquamarine accents. (酒店房间的装饰色调以海蓝色为主,让人感到宁静舒适。)

9. They found a secluded cove with waters that were pure aquamarine. (他们发现了一个偏僻的小海湾,水清澈透明呈现出纯粹的海蓝宝石色。)

10. The engagement ring had a large aquamarine gemstone surrounded by diamonds. (订婚戒指上镶有一颗大海蓝宝石,四周环绕着钻石。)

11. She collected seashells that had a delicate aquamarine tint. (她收集了一些带有精致海蓝宝石色调的贝壳。)

12. The artist's palette included shades of aquamarine, azure, and teal. (艺术家的调色板上包括海蓝宝石色、天蓝色和深绿色。)

13. The sunset painted the sky in hues of orange and aquamarine. (夕阳把天空染成了橙色和海蓝宝石色。)

14. The curtains were made from a fabric with an aquamarine pattern. (窗帘用一种带有海蓝宝石图案的布料制成。)

15. She wore a delicate necklace with an aquamarine pendant. (她戴着一条带有海蓝宝石吊坠的精美项链。)


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