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时间: 2024-10-07 22:48:52



1. The navy uses submarines to patrol the ocean depths. (海军使用潜艇巡逻海洋深处。)

2. The submarine surfaced silently in the dead of night. (潜艇在深夜悄无声息地浮出水面。)

3. The submarine dove to evade detection by enemy ships. (潜艇潜入水中以躲避敌舰的侦察。)

4. They installed a periscope on the submarine for underwater reconnaissance. (他们在潜艇上安装了潜望镜进行水下侦察。)

5. The submarine crew underwent rigorous training before their mission. (潜艇机组人员在执行任务前接受了严格的训练。)

6. The submarine's stealth capabilities make it difficult to detect. (潜艇的隐身能力使其难以被探测到。)

7. A submarine can stay submerged for extended periods. (潜艇可以长时间潜水。)

8. The submarine's hull is designed to withstand high water pressure. (潜艇的船体设计能够承受高水压。)

9. They communicated with headquarters using encrypted messages from the submarine. (他们通过潜艇发送加密消息与指挥部通讯。)

10. The submarine conducted scientific research in the deep sea. (潜艇在深海进行科学研究。)

11. The submarine fleet deployed for a strategic maneuver in enemy waters. (潜艇舰队在敌方水域进行战略机动部署。)

12. The submarine quietly approached the coastline for a covert operation. (潜艇悄然接近海岸线进行秘密行动。)

13. Submarines played a crucial role in naval warfare during World War II. (潜艇在第二次世界大战期间在海战中发挥了至关重要的作用。)

14. The submarine's sonar detected an underwater object. (潜艇的声纳探测到了水下物体。)

15. The submarine crew maintained strict discipline while on duty. (潜艇机组人员在执行任务时保持严格纪律。)


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