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时间: 2024-10-08 00:51:17



1. Maritime trade routes were crucial for ancient civilizations.

- 古代文明的海上贸易路线至关重要。

2. The country's maritime industry contributes significantly to its economy.

- 这个国家的海洋产业对其经济贡献巨大。

3. The Maritime Silk Road connected China with Africa and Europe centuries ago.

- 几个世纪前,海上丝绸之路将中国与非洲和欧洲连接在一起。

4. She studied maritime law at university and now works for a shipping company.

- 她在大学学习了海商法,现在在一家航运公司工作。

5. The city's prosperity was built on its maritime heritage.

- 这座城市的繁荣建立在其海洋遗产之上。

6. Maritime safety regulations require all vessels to carry life-saving equipment.

- 海上安全法规要求所有船只携带救生设备。

7. The maritime climate of the region ensures mild winters and cool summers.

- 该地区的海洋气候确保冬季温和、夏季凉爽。

8. They specialize in maritime archaeology, exploring sunken ships and ancient ports.

- 他们专门从事海洋考古学,探索沉船和古代港口。

9. The maritime border between the two countries has been a point of contention for decades.

- 这两国之间的海上边界几十年来一直是争议焦点。

10. He authored a book on the maritime history of the Mediterranean.

- 他撰写了一本关于地中海海洋历史的书籍。

11. Maritime nations often have strong ties to fishing and maritime traditions.

- 海洋国家通常与渔业和海洋传统有着密切联系。

12. The maritime museum exhibits artifacts from various naval battles.

- 海洋博物馆展示了各种海战的文物。

13. They conducted maritime patrols to protect marine life in the area.

- 他们进行海上巡逻,保护该地区的海洋生物。

14. The company provides a range of maritime services, including cargo shipping and logistics.

- 该公司提供各种海运服务,包括货物运输和物流。

15. Maritime law governs issues like shipping contracts and marine insurance.

- 海商法管理船运合同和海上保险等问题。


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