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时间: 2024-10-08 03:10:38


Certainly! "Mariculture" refers to the cultivation of marine organisms in their natural habitats or in controlled environments like fish farms. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. Mariculture plays a crucial role in providing sustainable seafood options.

- 水产养殖在提供可持续的海产品选择方面发挥着关键作用。

2. The company specializes in mariculture of oysters and mussels.

- 这家公司专门从事牡蛎和贻贝的水产养殖。

3. Environmental concerns have led to innovations in sustainable mariculture practices.

- 环境问题促使可持续水产养殖实践的创新。

4. Mariculture has expanded significantly in coastal regions.

- 水产养殖在沿海地区有了显著的扩展。

5. The government supports research into improving mariculture techniques.

- 政府支持改进水产养殖技术的研究。

6. He studied the ecological impacts of mariculture on local marine ecosystems.

- 他研究了水产养殖对当地海洋生态系统的生态影响。

7. The community relies on mariculture for economic stability.

- 这个社区依靠水产养殖维持经济稳定。

8. Mariculture helps reduce pressure on wild fish populations.

- 水产养殖有助于减少对野生鱼类种群的压力。

9. Many coastal countries have invested in mariculture as a source of income.

- 许多沿海国家已投资于水产养殖作为收入来源。

10. The mariculture industry faces challenges related to water quality management.

- 水产养殖行业面临与水质管理相关的挑战。

11. Researchers are exploring new species for mariculture due to climate change impacts.

- 研究人员正在探索新的水产养殖物种,以应对气候变化的影响。

12. Regulations ensure that mariculture operations adhere to environmental standards.

- 相关法规确保水产养殖活动符合环境标准。

13. Mariculture can contribute to food security in coastal communities.

- 水产养殖可以为沿海社区的食品安全做出贡献。

14. The school organized a field trip to a mariculture facility.

- 学校组织了到一家水产养殖设施的实地考察。

15. Aquaculture and mariculture are integral to global fisheries management.

- 水产养殖和海水养殖对全球渔业管理至关重要。

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