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时间: 2024-10-08 12:06:26


Certainly! "Hallmark" 可以指“特点”、“标志”或者“特征”。这里有一些例句和它们的中文解释:

1. Attention to detail is a hallmark of her work.

- 注意细节是她工作的一个显著特点。

2. Quality craftsmanship is the hallmark of this brand.

- 高质量的手工艺是这个品牌的特色。

3. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is the hallmark of their service.

- 他们对顾客满意的承诺是他们服务的标志。

4. The movie's hallmark is its breathtaking cinematography.

- 这部电影的显著特点是它令人叹为观止的摄影技术。

5. Resilience in the face of adversity is a hallmark of his character.

- 面对逆境时的坚韧不拔是他性格的标志。

6. Innovation has been a hallmark of the company since its inception.

- 创新自公司成立以来就是其特色。

7. The hallmark of good leadership is the ability to inspire others.

- 优秀领导的标志是能够激励他人。

8. Clear communication is a hallmark of effective teamwork.

- 清晰的沟通是有效团队合作的特征。

9. Her kindness and generosity are the hallmarks of her personality.

- 她的善良和慷慨是她个性的标志。

10. The company's commitment to sustainability is a hallmark of its corporate culture.

- 公司对可持续发展的承诺是其企业文化的标志。

11. Attention to customer needs has become the hallmark of their success.

- 对顾客需求的关注已成为他们成功的标志。

12. The artist's bold use of color is a hallmark of her paintings.

- 艺术家大胆运用色彩是她画作的特色。

13. Honesty and integrity are the hallmarks of a good leader.

- 诚实和正直是优秀领导的标志。

14. The hallmark of a good teacher is their ability to inspire students.

- 优秀教师的标志是他们激励学生的能力。

15. Adaptability is the hallmark of successful businesses in today's rapidly changing market.

- 适应性是当今快速变化市场中成功企业的标志。


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