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时间: 2024-10-08 14:10:11


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations for the word "trademark":

1. Apple Inc. has a trademark for its famous bitten apple logo.

- 苹果公司拥有其著名的咬过的苹果标志的商标。

2. Nike aggressively protects its trademark "Just Do It."

- 耐克积极保护其“Just Do It”的商标。

3. The small ® symbol next to a brand name indicates a registered trademark.

- 品牌名称旁边的小®符号表示注册商标。

4. Coca-Cola's distinctive script logo is one of the most recognized trademarks globally.

- 可口可乐独特的手写标志是全球最广为人知的商标之一。

5. Using a trademark without permission can lead to legal action.

- 未经许可使用商标可能会导致法律诉讼。

6. Many companies trademark their slogans to protect their brand identity.

- 许多公司注册其口号的商标以保护其品牌身份。

7. The trademark for the name "Starbucks" covers various coffee-related products and services.

- “星巴克”名称的商标涵盖各种与咖啡相关的产品和服务。

8. Artists often trademark their stage names to prevent others from using them.

- 艺术家经常注册他们的艺名商标以防止他人使用。

9. Trademark infringement occurs when a similar mark causes confusion among consumers.

- 当相似的标志在消费者中引起混淆时,就会发生商标侵权。

10. The company's logo is a registered trademark in multiple countries.

- 公司的标志在多个国家注册为商标。

11. Trademarks can be renewed periodically to maintain their legal protection.

- 商标可以定期续展以保持其法律保护。

12. A trademark symbolizes the quality and origin of a product or service.

- 商标象征着产品或服务的质量和来源。

13. Disney's trademark character Mickey Mouse has become an icon of popular culture.

- 迪士尼的商标角色米老鼠已成为流行文化的象征。

14. Businesses invest in trademarks to build brand loyalty and trust.

- 企业投资于商标以建立品牌忠诚度和信任。

15. To apply for a trademark, one must demonstrate use of the mark in commerce.

- 申请商标时,必须证明在商业活动中使用该标记。


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