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时间: 2024-10-08 21:42:44


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "demarcation" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The fence serves as a clear demarcation between our property and the neighbor's. (这栅栏明确划分了我们的财产和邻居的财产。)

2. There is a demarcation of responsibilities between the two departments, ensuring efficient workflow. (这两个部门之间有责任分界线,确保工作流程高效。)

3. The demarcation of the national border was agreed upon by both countries. (两国已经就国界线的划定达成了协议。)

4. In science, there's often a demarcation between theories that are well-supported by evidence and those that are speculative. (在科学领域中,经常有支持充分的理论与推测性理论之间的界限。)

5. The demarcation of the exclusion zone around the volcano was crucial for public safety. (火山周围排除区的划定对公共安全至关重要。)

6. The demarcation of the season's first snowfall was marked by the town's traditional winter festival. (镇上的传统冬季节日标志着本季度的第一场雪的来临。)

7. There's a clear demarcation between the roles of a manager and those of a supervisor. (经理和主管之间的角色划分清晰明了。)

8. The demarcation of the continental shelf is often subject to international disputes. (大陆架的划定常常引发国际争端。)

9. The demarcation of time periods in history helps historians organize events chronologically. (历史时期的划分帮助历史学家按时间顺序组织事件。)

10. The demarcation between childhood and adolescence is marked by significant physical and emotional changes. (童年和青春期之间的划分由显著的生理和情感变化标志。)

11. The demarcation of personal space varies across different cultures. (个人空间的划定在不同文化中有所不同。)

12. The demarcation between acceptable behavior and misconduct is clearly outlined in the company's code of conduct. (公司行为准则清楚地界定了可接受行为和不当行为之间的界限。)

13. The demarcation of the parking areas in the city helped reduce traffic congestion. (城市停车区的划分有助于减少交通拥堵。)

14. The demarcation of syllables is important in phonetics for understanding speech patterns. (在语音学中,音节的划分对理解语音模式很重要。)

15. The demarcation between indoor and outdoor spaces in the architecture created a seamless flow between the garden and the living area. (建筑中室内和室外空间的界限划分,在花园和起居区之间创造了流畅的过渡。)


上一个 【英语】demarcate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】matriarchy的例句



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