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时间: 2024-10-09 00:18:05



1. In some cultures, matriarchy has historically been the dominant social structure, where women hold primary power and authority within families and communities.(在某些文化中,母权制曾经是主导的社会结构,女性在家庭和社区中拥有主要的权力和权威。)

2. The novel depicts a fictional society where a matriarchy rules with wisdom and compassion.(这部小说描绘了一个虚构的社会,其中母权制以智慧和同情统治。)

3. Historically, the Mosuo people in China are known for their matriarchal family structure, where lineage is traced through the maternal line.(从历史上看,中国摩梭人以他们的母权制家庭结构而闻名,家族血统通过母系追溯。)

4. Some scholars argue that true matriarchies, where women not only hold power but also dominate cultural and social life, are rare in human history.(一些学者认为真正的母权制在人类历史上很少见,即女性不仅拥有权力,而且主导文化和社会生活。)

5. The mythological tales of ancient societies often feature goddesses and female leaders, suggesting a reverence for matriarchal principles.(古代社会的神话传说经常描绘女神和女性领袖,表明对母权制原则的尊重。)

6. The anthropologist studied the societal dynamics of a remote tribe practicing matriarchy.(这位人类学家研究了一个实行母权制的偏远部落的社会动态。)

7. Matriarchy doesn't necessarily imply the exclusion of men from leadership roles, but rather a cultural emphasis on female authority.(母权制并不一定意味着排除男性担任领导角色,而是文化上对女性权威的强调。)

8. The concept of matriarchy challenges traditional patriarchal norms by advocating for gender equality in governance and decision-making.(母权制的概念通过倡导在治理和决策中的性别平等,挑战了传统的父权主义规范。)

9. The documentary explores societies where matriarchal values are upheld, offering insights into alternative familial and societal structures.(这部纪录片探索了实行母权制价值观的社会,提供了对替代家庭和社会结构的见解。)

10. Indigenous cultures often preserve traditions of matriarchy despite external influences promoting patriarchal norms.(尽管外部影响力倡导父权主义规范,但土著文化通常保留母权制的传统。)

11. The professor argues that understanding matriarchy requires examining not only power dynamics but also cultural and symbolic representations of gender.(教授认为理解母权制需要审视的不仅是权力动态,还有性别的文化和象征性代表。)

12. Fictional literature often imagines futuristic societies where matriarchy has replaced patriarchal systems, exploring themes of power and identity.(虚构文学经常描绘想象中的未来社会,其中母权制取代了父权制度,探讨权力和身份的主题。)

13. The historical evidence for ancient matriarchies is often fragmentary, requiring careful interpretation by archaeologists and historians.(古代母权制的历史证据往往是零碎的,需要考古学家和历史学家进行仔细解释。)

14. Some feminist theorists argue that true gender equality can only be achieved through the establishment of matriarchal principles in social and political systems.(一些女性主义理论家认为,只有通过在社会和政治系统中建立母权制原则才能实现真正的性别平等。)

15. The transition from matriarchy to patriarchy in ancient societies is a subject of ongoing debate among historians and anthropologists.(古代社会从母权制向父权制的转变是历史学家和人类学家持续辩论的课题。)


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