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时间: 2024-09-20 02:50:40


Certainly! 这里有关于"demise"的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. The demise of the newspaper industry has been attributed to the rise of digital media. (报纸行业的衰落被归因于数字媒体的兴起。)

2. The demise of the ancient civilization was caused by a series of natural disasters. (古代文明的灭亡是由一连串的自然灾害造成的。)

3. The demise of the old regime led to widespread political reforms. (旧政权的垮台导致了广泛的政治改革。)

4. Many mourned the demise of the historic building, destroyed in the fire. (许多人为那座在火灾中被毁的历史建筑的消失而感到悲痛。)

5. The demise of their friendship was inevitable after years of misunderstandings. (经过多年的误解,他们之间的友谊终究走向了终结。)

6. Economic factors contributed to the demise of the company. (经济因素导致了该公司的倒闭。)

7. The demise of the dictator brought relief to the oppressed population. (独裁者的死亡为被压迫的人民带来了解脱。)

8. The demise of the actor shocked his fans worldwide. (这位演员的去世震惊了全球的粉丝。)

9. The demise of traditional farming methods has led to increased use of technology in agriculture. (传统农业方法的消亡导致农业中技术的增加使用。)

10. The demise of the local bookstore was a blow to the community. (当地书店的倒闭对社区来说是一个打击。)

11. Environmental degradation is contributing to the demise of many species. (环境恶化正在加速许多物种的灭绝。)

12. The demise of the music industry was greatly exaggerated; it adapted to new technologies instead. (音乐行业的衰落被大大夸大了,它实际上是在适应新技术。)

13. The demise of their hopes dashed their spirits. (希望的破灭使他们的精神受到打击。)

14. The demise of the once bustling city left it a ghost town. (曾经繁华的城市的衰落使其成为了一座鬼城。)

15. Despite the demise of their relationship, they remained friends. (尽管他们的关系结束了,他们依然是朋友。)


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