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时间: 2024-09-20 06:50:03


Certainly! 这里有关于“emit”这个词的例句及其中文解释:

1. The chimney emitted thick smoke into the air. (烟囱冒出了浓烟。)

2. The machine emits a loud noise when it's running. (这台机器运行时发出很大的噪音。)

3. The flowers emit a sweet fragrance in the evening. (这些花在傍晚散发出甜美的香味。)

4. Certain gases emitted by cars contribute to air pollution. (汽车排放的某些气体造成了空气污染。)

5. The sun emits light and heat. (太阳发出光和热。)

6. The radio tower emits signals across the region. (无线电发射塔向整个地区发射信号。)

7. The volcano emitted ash and lava during the eruption. (火山在喷发时喷出了灰和岩浆。)

8. The factory emits harmful chemicals into the river. (工厂向河流排放有害化学物质。)

9. The speaker emitted a buzzing sound before it stopped working. (扬声器在停止工作前发出嗡嗡声。)

10. Fireplaces can emit carbon monoxide if not properly ventilated. (壁炉如果通风不良会排放一氧化碳。)

11. The flowers emit a delightful scent that attracts bees. (这些花散发出迷人的香味吸引蜜蜂。)

12. The spacecraft will emit signals as it approaches Earth. (太空飞船在接近地球时会发射信号。)

13. The speaker system emits sound throughout the auditorium. (扬声器系统在整个礼堂内发出声音。)

14. This type of light bulb emits less heat than traditional bulbs. (这种灯泡比传统灯泡发热更少。)

15. The city emits a glow from thousands of streetlights at night. (夜晚,城市从成千上万的路灯中发出光辉。)


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