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时间: 2024-09-20 08:46:30



1. The rain was intermittent throughout the day, with occasional breaks of sunshine. (雨水整天间歇性地下着,偶尔有阳光的间歇。)

2. He suffers from intermittent migraines, which come and go unpredictably. (他时常遭受偶发性偏头痛,症状时有时无。)

3. The intermittent noise from the construction site made it hard to concentrate. (工地时断时续的噪音使集中注意力变得困难。)

4. She had intermittent episodes of sadness following the loss of her pet. (在失去宠物后,她偶尔会有悲伤的情绪。)

5. The power supply was intermittent during the storm, causing frequent outages. (暴风雨期间电力供应时断时续,导致频繁的停电。)

6. They had an intermittent friendship over the years, reconnecting only occasionally. (多年来,他们的友谊断断续续,只是偶尔重聚。)

7. The internet connection in rural areas can be quite intermittent. (乡村地区的互联网连接可能相当不稳定。)

8. The company experienced intermittent periods of growth and decline. (公司经历了间歇性的增长和衰退期。)

9. His intermittent attendance at meetings became a concern for his colleagues. (他时断时续地参加会议成了同事们的担忧。)

10. Intermittent rain showers delayed the outdoor event. (间歇性的阵雨延误了户外活动。)

11. We could only get intermittent glimpses of the mountain through the mist. (我们只能时断时续地透过雾气看到山峰。)

12. Her intermittent laughter echoed through the quiet room. (她时而发出的笑声在安静的房间里回荡。)

13. The patient complained of intermittent chest pain. (患者抱怨时有时无的胸痛。)

14. They had an intermittent phone call due to poor reception. (由于信号不好,他们的电话通话时有时无。)

15. The car's intermittent starting problem puzzled the mechanics. (汽车偶尔发动的问题让技工们感到困惑。)


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