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时间: 2024-09-29 00:51:51



1. Her fascination with crime novels has taken a morbid turn recently.

她对犯罪小说的迷恋最近变得病态起来。(morbid 指的是病态的兴趣)

2. The doctor was concerned about the patient's morbid obsession with death.

医生对病人对死亡的病态迷恋感到担忧。(morbid 意为不正常的)

3. His morbid curiosity led him to explore the abandoned hospital late at night.

他病态的好奇心驱使他深夜探索废弃的医院。(morbid 表示病态的)

4. The painting depicted a scene of morbid decay, with dark colors dominating.

这幅画描绘了一幅病态腐朽的场景,主要以暗色为主。(morbid 意指病态的)

5. She had a morbid fear of spiders, to the point where she couldn't even look at a picture of one.

她对蜘蛛有一种病态的恐惧,以至于她甚至不能看蜘蛛的图片。(morbid 表示过度的)

6. The atmosphere in the old mansion was filled with a morbid silence.

老宅里充满了一种病态的寂静。(morbid 意指病态的)

7. The novel delves into the protagonist's morbid thoughts about existence and mortality.

小说深入探讨了主人公对存在和死亡的病态思维。(morbid 意为不正常的)

8. His jokes always had a morbid edge to them, often making others uncomfortable.

他的笑话总是带有一种病态的边缘,经常让别人感到不舒服。(morbid 表示不正常的)

9. The movie had a morbid sense of humor, finding comedy in dark and disturbing situations.

这部电影有一种病态的幽默感,从黑暗和令人不安的情境中找到了喜剧。(morbid 表示病态的)

10. His morbid obesity was affecting his health significantly.

他的病态肥胖严重影响了他的健康。(morbid 意为病态的)

11. The artist's morbid fascination with decay is evident in his latest series of sculptures.

艺术家对腐朽的病态迷恋在他最新的雕塑系列中显而易见。(morbid 表示病态的)

12. The book describes in detail the morbid symptoms of the disease.

这本书详细描述了这种疾病的病态症状。(morbid 表示病态的)

13. She found herself in a morbid state of mind after the accident, constantly dwelling on what could have happened.

事故后,她陷入了一种病态的心境,不断思考可能发生的事情。(morbid 表示病态的)

14. The horror movie was filled with morbid scenes of violence and gore.

这部恐怖电影充满了暴力和血腥的病态场景。(morbid 意为病态的)

15. Despite the morbid topic, the lecture was surprisingly enlightening.

尽管话题病态,讲座却出人意料地启发人。(morbid 表示不正常的)


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