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时间: 2024-10-07 21:07:49



1. She had an inordinate amount of paperwork to complete by the end of the day. (她今天必须在一天结束前完成大量的文件工作。)

2. The teacher was concerned about the inordinate amount of time students were spending on social media. (老师对学生在社交媒体上花费过多时间感到担忧。)

3. He had an inordinate fear of flying, which made traveling difficult for him. (他对飞行有着过度的恐惧,这让他的旅行变得困难。)

4. The company's success led to inordinate profits last quarter. (公司的成功导致上个季度利润暴涨。)

5. The politician faced criticism for his inordinate spending on luxury items. (那位政治家因为在奢侈品上的过度消费而受到批评。)

6. The movie received inordinate praise from critics despite its flaws. (尽管有缺点,这部电影得到了评论家们的过度赞扬。)

7. She had an inordinate fondness for chocolate, often consuming it in large quantities. (她非常喜欢巧克力,经常大量食用。)

8. His inordinate ambition drove him to work tirelessly towards his goals. (他过分的野心驱使他不知疲倦地朝着目标努力。)

9. The landlord charged an inordinate amount of rent for such a small apartment. (房东对这么小的公寓收取了过高的租金。)

10. The judge was concerned about the defendant's inordinate delay in providing evidence. (法官对被告拖延提供证据感到担忧。)

11. She felt an inordinate sense of guilt over the minor mistake she made at work. (她因为在工作中犯了一个小错误感到过度的内疚。)

12. The CEO faced criticism for his inordinate influence over company policies. (CEO因为对公司政策的过度影响力而受到批评。)

13. Despite their inordinate efforts, they couldn't salvage the project in time. (尽管他们努力过度,但无法及时挽救项目。)

14. He showed an inordinate amount of patience dealing with difficult customers. (他在处理棘手客户时表现出过多的耐心。)

15. The new law was criticized for its inordinate complexity, making it difficult for citizens to understand. (这项新法律因为其过度的复杂性而受到批评,使公民难以理解。)


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