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时间: 2024-09-14 11:54:57



1. Negotiations reached an impasse when neither side would compromise.

- 谈判陷入僵局,因为双方都不愿妥协。

2. The dispute between the two countries led to an impasse in diplomatic relations.

- 这两个国家之间的争端导致了外交关系的僵局。

3. The committee found itself at an impasse regarding the budget allocation.

- 委员会在预算分配上陷入了僵局。

4. Attempts to resolve the issue have hit an impasse due to conflicting opinions.

- 由于意见分歧,解决问题的尝试陷入了僵局。

5. The negotiations have been deadlocked for weeks, reaching an impasse last Friday.

- 谈判已经僵持数周,上周达到了僵局。

6. The talks on the new trade agreement are at an impasse until further notice.

- 新贸易协议的谈判暂时陷入了僵局。

7. The strike has created an impasse between the workers and management.

- 罢工在工人和管理层之间造成了僵局。

8. Despite multiple rounds of discussions, the peace talks have hit an impasse.

- 尽管进行了多轮讨论,和平谈判还是陷入了僵局。

9. The impasse in negotiations has raised concerns about the project's future.

- 谈判的僵局引发了对项目未来的担忧。

10. The impasse was finally broken when a compromise was reached on key issues.

- 当关键问题达成妥协时,僵局终于被打破了。

11. The impasse over funding forced the project to be put on hold indefinitely.

- 资金问题的僵局迫使项目无限期搁置。

12. Both parties are hoping to find a resolution to the impasse before the deadline.

- 双方希望在截止日期之前找到解决僵局的办法。

13. The impasse in negotiations underscored the deep divisions within the group.

- 谈判的僵局突显了团体内部的深刻分歧。

14. A mediator was brought in to help break the impasse between the union and management.

- 一位调解人员被请来帮助打破工会与管理层之间的僵局。

15. The impasse threatened to derail the entire project if not resolved quickly.

- 如果不能迅速解决,这个僵局可能会威胁到整个项目的进行。


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