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时间: 2024-09-19 11:48:51


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "repatriate" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The embassy helped to repatriate stranded citizens during the crisis. (大使馆帮助撤离了在危机中滞留的公民。)

2. After many years abroad, he decided it was time to repatriate and settle in his homeland. (在国外生活多年后,他决定是时候回国并定居在自己的祖国了。)

3. The government negotiated with neighboring countries to repatriate refugees. (政府与邻国进行谈判,以便将难民遣返回国。)

4. It took months to arrange the paperwork necessary to repatriate the artifacts. (安排必要的文件以便将文物遣返回国花费了几个月的时间。)

5. The soldiers were eager to repatriate after their extended deployment overseas. (士兵们在长时间的海外驻扎后急切希望能够回国。)

6. The charity organization raised funds to repatriate the remains of fallen soldiers. (慈善组织筹集资金以便将阵亡士兵的遗体遣返。)

7. It was a challenge to repatriate the stolen artifacts from various private collections. (从各种私人收藏中将被盗文物遣返回国是一个挑战。)

8. The company offered financial assistance to help repatriate employees affected by the closure. (公司提供了财政援助,以帮助因关闭而受影响的员工回国。)

9. The embassy's primary responsibility was to repatriate citizens in times of international crises. (大使馆的主要责任是在国际危机时期将公民遣返回国。)

10. The repatriation process required coordination between multiple government agencies. (遣返过程需要多个政府机构之间的协调。)

11. The shipwreck survivors were repatriated with the help of international rescue efforts. (在国际救援努力的帮助下,船难幸存者得以遣返回国。)

12. The humanitarian organization's mission was to repatriate displaced persons to their home villages. (人道主义组织的使命是将流离失所的人们遣返回他们的家乡村庄。)

13. The diplomat worked tirelessly to negotiate terms to repatriate the political prisoners. (外交官不知疲倦地努力谈判条件,以便遣返回国政治犯。)

14. It was an emotional moment when the war veterans were finally repatriated. (战争老兵最终遣返回国时是一个充满情感的时刻。)

15. The international community collaborated to repatriate victims of human trafficking. (国际社会合作,以便遣返回国人口贩卖的受害者。)


上一个 【英语】expatriate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】biped的例句



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