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时间: 2024-09-10 07:50:07


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with translations into Chinese for the word "centipede":

1. The garden was crawling with centipedes after the rain. (雨后花园里爬满了蜈蚣。)

2. I found a centipede in the basement last night. (昨晚我在地下室找到了一只蜈蚣。)

3. Centipedes have many legs and are quite fast movers. (蜈蚣有许多条腿,行动很快。)

4. My cat chased a centipede across the kitchen floor. (我的猫在厨房地板上追逐一只蜈蚣。)

5. In some cultures, centipedes are considered symbols of good luck. (在一些文化中,蜈蚣被认为是好运的象征。)

6. I accidentally stepped on a centipede while hiking. (我在远足时不小心踩到了一只蜈蚣。)

7. The centipede's bite can be painful but is rarely dangerous to humans. (蜈蚣的咬伤可能会很痛,但很少对人类构成危险。)

8. Centipedes are nocturnal creatures, usually hiding during the day. (蜈蚣是夜间活动的生物,通常白天藏起来。)

9. We found a giant centipede in the old tree stump. (我们在老树桩里发现了一只巨型蜈蚣。)

10. She shrieked when she saw a centipede crawling up the wall. (她看到一只蜈蚣爬墙时尖叫起来。)

11. The centipede's segmented body is quite distinctive. (蜈蚣分节的身体相当独特。)

12. I watched a documentary about the behavior of centipedes in the wild. (我看了一部关于野外蜈蚣行为的纪录片。)

13. Centipedes are carnivorous and feed on insects and other small animals. (蜈蚣是肉食性的,以昆虫和其他小动物为食。)

14. We need to call pest control; there's a centipede infestation in the basement. (我们需要叫灭虫公司;地下室里有蜈蚣滋扰。)

15. The ancient scroll depicted mythical creatures, including a giant centipede. (古老的卷轴描述了神话生物,其中包括一只巨型蜈蚣。)


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