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时间: 2024-11-08 02:08:10


Certainly! "Podiatrist" refers to a medical professional specializing in the treatment of feet. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The podiatrist examined my foot and diagnosed a stress fracture.

- 这位足病医生检查了我的脚,并诊断出应力骨折。

2. My podiatrist recommended custom orthotics to relieve my heel pain.

- 我的足病医生建议我使用定制的矫形器以缓解我的脚跟疼痛。

3. The podiatrist trimmed my toenails and treated my ingrown toenail.

- 足病医生修剪了我的脚趾甲,并治疗了我内生脚趾甲。

4. I see a podiatrist regularly for diabetic foot care.

- 我定期去看足病医生进行糖尿病足部护理。

5. After running a marathon, I visited the podiatrist for a foot massage.

- 跑完马拉松后,我去看足病医生做了足部按摩。

6. The podiatrist recommended stretching exercises for my plantar fasciitis.

- 足病医生建议我做伸展运动以治疗我的足底筋膜炎。

7. She became a podiatrist because of her interest in foot anatomy.

- 她因对足部解剖学感兴趣而成为了足病医生。

8. The podiatrist prescribed a topical ointment for my athlete's foot.

- 足病医生开了一种局部药膏给我治疗运动员脚。

9. My podiatrist recommended new shoes to prevent bunions.

- 我的足病医生建议我换新鞋以预防拇囊炎。

10. The podiatrist performed surgery to correct my hammertoe.

- 足病医生进行了手术来矫正我的锤状趾。

11. I visit my podiatrist annually for a foot health check-up.

- 我每年都去足病医生那里进行足部健康检查。

12. The podiatrist recommended ice and rest for my sprained ankle.

- 足病医生建议我对扭伤的脚踝进行冰敷和休息。

13. I consulted a podiatrist about the pain in my arches.

- 我咨询了足病医生关于我脚弓疼痛的问题。

14. The podiatrist specializes in treating foot deformities.

- 这位足病医生专门治疗足部畸形。

15. She visited the podiatrist to have her calluses removed.

- 她去看足病医生让她去除鸡眼。


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