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时间: 2024-09-17 13:34:12


Certainly! "Ponderance" means a state of being weighed down by something or a great amount or influence. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The ponderance of evidence suggested that he was guilty. (证据的压倒性表明他有罪。)

2. Her decisions were often swayed by the ponderance of public opinion. (她的决定常常受到公众舆论的影响。)

3. The ponderance of responsibility fell on his shoulders. (责任的重担落在了他的肩上。)

4. Despite the ponderance of challenges, they remained optimistic. (尽管面对重重困难,他们依然乐观。)

5. The team's success was due to the ponderance of talent within its ranks. (团队的成功归因于其中人才的厚积薄发。)

6. She was overwhelmed by the ponderance of emotions after winning the championship. (在赢得冠军后,她被一股强烈的情感所淹没。)

7. The ponderance of evidence led to a swift conclusion in the trial. (证据的压倒性使得审判迅速结束。)

8. The ponderance of support from the community gave them strength during difficult times. (社区的大力支持在艰难时期给了他们力量。)

9. He was chosen for the role based on the ponderance of his experience in similar projects. (他被选中担任该角色,是基于他在类似项目中的丰富经验。)

10. The ponderance of his financial problems weighed heavily on his mind. (他的财务问题的重压使他心情沉重。)

11. Despite the ponderance of obstacles, they managed to reach their destination on time. (尽管面对重重障碍,他们还是按时到达了目的地。)

12. The team was victorious due to the ponderance of their strategic planning. (团队凭借其精心策划的优势获得了胜利。)

13. The ponderance of evidence supported her theory. (大量的证据支持了她的理论。)

14. His success was attributed to the ponderance of dedication he put into his work. (他的成功归因于他在工作中付出的巨大努力。)

15. The ponderance of responsibility made him rethink his career choices. (责任的重担促使他重新考虑了他的职业选择。)


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