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时间: 2024-09-17 13:28:04



1. The ancient tribe was rumored to be anthropophagous, consuming the flesh of their enemies.(这个古部落据说是食人族,吃掉他们的敌人的肉。)

2. Legends from the region speak of anthropophagous creatures lurking in the dense forests.(该地区的传说讲述了潜伏在茂密森林中的食人怪物。)

3. The explorer encountered evidence of an anthropophagous cult during his travels in remote islands.(这位探险家在偏远岛屿旅行时遇到了食人教的证据。)

4. The horror novel depicted an anthropophagous serial killer with a taste for human flesh.(这本恐怖小说描绘了一个偏爱人肉的食人连环杀手。)

5. Anthropologists study the cultural practices of anthropophagous societies to understand their rituals.(人类学家研究食人社会的文化实践,以理解它们的仪式。)

6. The history books recount the battles against anthropophagous tribes during the colonial era.(历史书记载了殖民时代对抗食人部落的战斗。)

7. In some myths, gods are depicted as anthropophagous beings who consume mortals for power.(在一些神话中,神被描绘为食人的存在,通过消耗凡人获得力量。)

8. The film explores the dark psychology of an anthropophagous character driven by primal instincts.(这部电影探讨了一个受原始本能驱使的食人角色的黑暗心理。)

9. There are historical accounts of shipwreck survivors resorting to anthropophagous acts to survive.(有历史记录显示,遇难船员幸存者为了生存不得不进行食人行为。)

10. Anthropophagous practices were once associated with certain initiation rites among tribal communities.(食人的习俗曾经与部落社区中的某些成人仪式联系在一起。)

11. The anthropophagous creature in folklore is often portrayed as both terrifying and pitiful.(民间传说中的食人怪物常常被描绘为既可怕又令人怜悯。)

12. Some cultures have legends of anthropophagous beings living in remote mountain caves.(一些文化中流传着生活在偏远山洞中的食人怪物传说。)

13. Explorers in the 19th century reported encounters with allegedly anthropophagous tribes in uncharted territories.(19世纪的探险家报道称在未知领域中遇到了据称是食人的部落。)

14. The discovery of cannibalism among ancient civilizations has shed light on anthropophagous practices in history.(发现古代文明中的食人行为揭示了历史上的食人习俗。)

15. The investigation into the disappearance revealed evidence pointing towards an anthropophagous cult operating in the area.(对失踪事件的调查揭示了指向该地区运作的食人教的证据。)


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