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时间: 2024-09-10 05:35:21


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese:

1. He dedicated his life to philanthropy, donating millions to various charities each year. (他把一生都奉献给慈善事业,每年向各种慈善机构捐赠数百万美元。)

2. The billionaire's philanthropy extended beyond mere donations; he actively participated in community development projects. (这位亿万富翁的慈善行为不仅限于捐款,他还积极参与社区发展项目。)

3. Her philanthropy was recognized with numerous awards for humanitarian efforts. (她的慈善行为因人道主义努力而获得了多个奖项的认可。)

4. Through his philanthropy, he aimed to alleviate poverty and promote education in underdeveloped regions. (通过他的慈善行为,他的目标是减少贫困,促进欠发达地区的教育。)

5. The company's philanthropy program focuses on environmental sustainability and youth empowerment. (该公司的慈善计划专注于环境可持续性和青少年赋权。)

6. Their family has a long history of philanthropy, supporting healthcare initiatives for generations. (他们家族有着悠久的慈善历史,几代人支持医疗倡议。)

7. She believes that true philanthropy involves not only financial contributions but also personal involvement in social causes. (她认为真正的慈善不仅包括金钱捐助,还包括个人参与社会事业。)

8. His philanthropy was inspired by a desire to leave a positive impact on the world. (他的慈善行为受到了希望在世界上留下积极影响的启发。)

9. The foundation's philanthropy efforts are aimed at improving access to clean water in rural areas. (该基金会的慈善努力旨在改善农村地区对清洁水资源的获取。)

10. She started her own philanthropy foundation to support arts education in disadvantaged communities. (她成立了自己的慈善基金会,支持贫困社区的艺术教育。)

11. His philanthropy knows no bounds; he's known for anonymously covering medical expenses for strangers in need. (他的慈善行为无所不包;他因匿名支付有需要的陌生人的医疗费用而闻名。)

12. They celebrated their wedding with a philanthropy gala, raising funds for children's hospitals. (他们举办了一场慈善晚会庆祝他们的婚礼,为儿童医院筹集资金。)

13. The businessman's philanthropy was a reflection of his gratitude for the community that supported his success. (这位商人的慈善行为反映了他对支持他成功的社区的感激之情。)

14. The foundation announced a new philanthropy initiative to address homelessness in urban areas. (该基金会宣布了一项新的慈善倡议,以解决城市地区的无家可归问题。)

15. They believe in practicing philanthropy as a way to foster empathy and social responsibility. (他们认为实践慈善是培养同情心和社会责任感的一种方式。)


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