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时间: 2024-10-06 20:57:45



1. Xenophobia can lead to discrimination and prejudice against people from other countries.

- 排外情绪会导致对来自其他国家的人的歧视和偏见。

2. The rise in xenophobia has been linked to economic uncertainties and political rhetoric.

- 排外情绪的增加与经济不确定性和政治言论有关。

3. Fear of immigrants often stems from xenophobia and misinformation.

- 对移民的恐惧通常源自排外情绪和错误信息。

4. His xenophobia makes him distrustful of anyone who speaks a foreign language.

- 他的排外情绪使他不信任任何说外语的人。

5. Xenophobia can manifest as hostility or suspicion towards cultural practices different from one's own.

- 排外情绪可能表现为对与自己文化实践不同的人的敌意或怀疑。

6. The country's history includes periods of xenophobia towards neighboring nations.

- 这个国家的历史包括对邻国的排外情绪期。

7. Some politicians use xenophobia as a tactic to gain support from certain voter demographics.

- 一些政治家利用排外情绪作为获取特定选民支持的策略。

8. Xenophobia can escalate into violence if not addressed through education and awareness.

- 如果不通过教育和意识提升加以解决,排外情绪可能升级为暴力行为。

9. The media's portrayal of immigrants often influences public perceptions and can fuel xenophobia.

- 媒体对移民的描绘经常影响公众的看法,并可能助长排外情绪。

10. Xenophobia undermines efforts towards global cooperation and understanding.

- 排外情绪破坏了全球合作和理解的努力。

11. Xenophobia prevents communities from embracing diversity and inclusivity.

- 排外情绪阻碍了社区拥抱多样性和包容性。

12. Educational programs are crucial in combating xenophobia among younger generations.

- 教育项目在打击年轻一代中的排外情绪方面至关重要。

13. The government launched initiatives to address xenophobia within its borders.

- 政府启动了解决国内排外情绪的倡议。

14. Xenophobia often arises from a lack of exposure to diverse cultures and perspectives.

- 排外情绪常源于对多样文化和观点的缺乏了解。

15. Social media can amplify xenophobia by spreading stereotypes and misinformation.

- 社交媒体可以通过传播刻板印象和错误信息放大排外情绪。


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