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时间: 2024-10-06 22:47:32



1. He was labeled a sinophobe after his controversial remarks about Chinese culture.

- 他因对中国文化的争议性言论被贴上了“反华者”的标签。

2. Some politicians exploit sinophobia to gain support during elections.

- 一些政客利用对中国的恐惧来在选举中获得支持。

3. Her sinophobic attitudes became apparent during the debate on trade relations with China.

- 在关于与中国的贸易关系辩论中,她的反华态度显而易见。

4. The article was criticized for promoting sinophobic stereotypes.

- 这篇文章因宣扬反华的刻板印象而受到批评。

5. The diplomat's remarks were perceived as sinophobic and caused a diplomatic incident.

- 外交官的言论被视为反华,并引发了外交事件。

6. Sinophobic sentiments among certain groups have intensified due to geopolitical tensions.

- 由于地缘政治紧张局势,某些群体中的反华情绪有所加剧。

7. The comedian's sinophobic jokes offended many viewers.

- 这位喜剧演员的反华笑话冒犯了许多观众。

8. Educational institutions should address sinophobia through cultural education.

- 教育机构应通过文化教育来解决反华问题。

9. The media's portrayal of China often reflects underlying sinophobic biases.

- 媒体对中国的描绘经常反映出潜在的反华偏见。

10. Social media platforms struggle to manage sinophobic content while promoting free speech.

- 社交媒体平台在推广言论自由的同时,努力管理反华内容。

11. Sinophobic incidents have increased following global health crises originating in China.

- 在起源于中国的全球健康危机之后,反华事件有所增加。

12. Diplomatic relations were strained due to sinophobic rhetoric from both sides.

- 由于双方的反华言论,外交关系变得紧张起来。

13. The academic community condemned the rise of sinophobic ideologies in scholarly debates.

- 学术界谴责了学术辩论中反华意识形态的抬头。

14. Public figures should be cautious to avoid spreading sinophobic misinformation.

- 公众人物应谨慎避免传播反华错误信息。

15. Sinophobic attitudes hinder constructive dialogue between nations.

- 反华态度阻碍了国家之间的建设性对话。


上一个 【英语】xenophobia的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】phonetics的例句



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