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时间: 2024-09-20 01:06:31



1. The village was situated in a picturesque valley surrounded by rolling hills.

- 这个村庄位于一个如画的山谷中,被起伏的山丘环绕着。

2. We spent the afternoon exploring the picturesque streets of the old town.

- 我们花了一个下午探索古镇那些如画的街道。

3. Her garden is filled with picturesque flowers that bloom all year round.

- 她的花园里满是四季常开的如画花卉。

4. The sunset over the ocean created a picturesque scene that we photographed.

- 海洋上的日落形成了如画的场景,我们拍了照片留念。

5. The artist captured the picturesque landscape in his latest painting.

- 那位艺术家在他的最新画作中捕捉了如画的风景。

6. They decided to have their wedding in a picturesque vineyard in the countryside.

- 他们决定在乡村一个如画的葡萄园举行婚礼。

7. The small island was a picturesque getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life.

- 这个小岛是一个如画的度假胜地,远离喧嚣的城市生活。

8. The charming cottage was located in a picturesque setting by the lake.

- 那座迷人的小屋坐落在一个湖边如画的环境中。

9. We enjoyed a picturesque drive through the mountainous region.

- 我们享受了一次穿越山区的如画驾车旅行。

10. The picturesque scenery of the national park attracted many visitors.

- 国家公园如画的风景吸引了许多游客。

11. The quaint little town was known for its picturesque architecture and scenic views.

- 那个古色古香的小镇因其如画的建筑和风景名胜而闻名。

12. The picturesque coastline was perfect for a relaxing holiday by the sea.

- 如画的海岸线非常适合在海边度过一个轻松的假期。

13. She wrote a travel blog about the picturesque places she visited during her trip.

- 她写了一篇旅游博客,介绍了她旅行中所到的如画的地方。

14. The autumn leaves created a picturesque backdrop for the family photos.

- 秋天的落叶为家庭照片创造了如画的背景。

15. The town square, with its historic buildings and charming cafes, was truly picturesque.

- 小镇广场,拥有历史悠久的建筑和迷人的咖啡馆,真是如画一般。

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