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时间: 2024-09-19 11:42:08


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese for "pictograph":

1. The ancient cave paintings are considered pictographs because they represent daily life and hunting scenes in simple images. 古代的洞穴壁画被认为是象形文字,因为它们用简单的图像表现了日常生活和狩猎场景。

2. The Chinese character for "mountain" (山) is a pictograph that resembles a stylized representation of a mountain. 中文里的“山”字是一个象形文字,它的形状简化地象征着山的形态。

3. Egyptian hieroglyphs often functioned as pictographs, depicting various aspects of Egyptian life and culture. 埃及象形文字通常用来描绘埃及生活和文化的各个方面。

4. The early Mesopotamian writing system used pictographs to convey information about trade and governance. 早期的美索不达米亚文字系统使用象形文字来传达关于贸易和治理的信息。

5. Native American petroglyphs are a form of pictograph, carved into rock surfaces to communicate stories and histories. 美洲原住民的岩石雕刻是一种象形文字,用来记录故事和历史。

6. The emoji depicting a smiling face is a modern example of a digital pictograph used in communication. 描绘笑脸的表情符号是现代通信中使用的一种数字象形文字的例子。

7. The Mayan codices contained pictographs that recorded astronomical observations and religious rituals. 玛雅人的编码书包含了记录天文观测和宗教仪式的象形文字。

8. The Incan quipu used knots on strings as a form of pictographic communication to record numerical and narrative information. 印加人的奎普结绳是一种使用绳结来记录数字和叙述信息的象形文字通信形式。

9. The emoji of a heart symbolizes love and affection, functioning as a contemporary pictograph. 爱心的表情符号象征着爱和情感,是一种现代的象形文字。

10. Early Sumerian clay tablets are adorned with pictographs depicting agricultural activities and trade transactions. 早期的苏美尔泥板上装饰有描绘农业活动和贸易交易的象形文字。

11. The Japanese kanji characters often originated from pictographic representations of objects and concepts. 日语的汉字通常源于物体和概念的象形表现。

12. Australian Aboriginal art incorporates pictographs that convey spiritual and ancestral stories through symbols and patterns. 澳大利亚土著艺术包含了通过符号和图案传达精神和祖先故事的象形文字。

13. The Rosetta Stone was crucial in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs, which combine pictographic and phonetic elements. 罗塞塔石碑在解读埃及象形文字中发挥了关键作用,它结合了象形和语音元素。

14. The ancient Indus Valley civilization used pictographs on seals to mark ownership and goods. 古代印度河流域文明在印章上使用象形文字标记所有权和商品。

15. The Aztec codices contained pictographs that chronicled their history, religion, and daily life. 阿兹特克的编码书包含了记录他们历史、宗教和日常生活的象形文字。


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