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时间: 2024-09-17 13:38:32


Certainly! "Placate" 的意思是安抚或平息,以下是一些例句和中文解释:

1. She tried to placate the angry customer by offering a refund. (她试图通过退款安抚那位生气的顾客。)

2. The government made concessions to placate the protesting workers. (政府做出让步以安抚抗议的工人。)

3. He smiled to placate her fears. (他微笑以安抚她的恐惧。)

4. The manager placated the irate shareholders with promises of higher dividends. (经理通过承诺更高的股息来安抚愤怒的股东。)

5. The teacher placated the upset child with a gentle hug. (老师用温柔的拥抱安抚了心烦意乱的孩子。)

6. He tried to placate her with flowers after their argument. (他们吵架后,他试图用花安抚她。)

7. The CEO tried to placate the concerns of the investors during the press conference. (CEO在新闻发布会上试图安抚投资者的担忧。)

8. The politician made promises to placate the demands of the protestors. (政治家做出承诺以平息抗议者的要求。)

9. She tried to placate her guilt by donating to charity. (她试图通过捐款来缓解内疚感。)

10. The coach placated the disappointed team with encouraging words. (教练用鼓舞人心的话语安抚失望的队员。)

11. He offered an apology to placate her hurt feelings. (他道歉以安抚她受伤的感情。)

12. They used diplomacy to placate tensions between the warring factions. (他们利用外交手段来缓解交战派系之间的紧张局势。)

13. The mediator tried to placate both sides in the negotiation. (调解员试图在谈判中安抚双方。)

14. The manager's reassurances were meant to placate concerns about the company's future. (经理的安抚意味着缓解对公司未来的担忧。)

15. She brought him his favorite dessert to placate him after the argument. (他们争吵后,她带给他他最喜欢的甜点以安抚他。)


上一个 【英语】pictograph的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】placid的例句



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