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时间: 2024-09-17 13:47:54



1. The museum has a replica of the Mona Lisa.

- 博物馆有《蒙娜丽莎》的复制品。

2. She bought a replica of an ancient Greek vase for her collection.

- 她为她的收藏买了一个古希腊花瓶的复制品。

3. The architect created a replica of the historic building for the exhibit.

- 建筑师为展览制作了那座历史建筑的复制品。

4. They built a replica of the Titanic for the film.

- 他们为电影建造了《泰坦尼克号》的复制品。

5. The museum’s exhibit features a replica of an old steam engine.

- 博物馆的展览展示了一台旧蒸汽机的复制品。

6. He wore a replica of a medieval knight's armor for the costume party.

- 他为化装舞会穿上了一个中世纪骑士盔甲的复制品。

7. The historical society created a replica of the original documents.

- 历史学会制作了原始文件的复制品。

8. The video game offers a replica of a famous historical battlefield.

- 这个视频游戏提供了一个著名历史战场的复制品。

9. They sold replicas of famous artworks in the souvenir shop.

- 他们在纪念品商店里出售了著名艺术作品的复制品。

10. The castle’s replica was built with great attention to detail.

- 这座城堡的复制品在细节上非常考究。

11. A replica of the original spaceship is on display at the space museum.

- 原始宇宙飞船的复制品在太空博物馆展出。

12. She carefully crafted a replica of the ancient artifact for her project.

- 她为她的项目精心制作了古代文物的复制品。

13. The replica of the historic clock tower is located in the town square.

- 历史钟楼的复制品位于镇中心广场。

14. They used a replica of the medieval castle for the historical reenactment.

- 他们使用了一个中世纪城堡的复制品进行历史重现活动。

15. The teacher used a replica of a prehistoric tool to demonstrate early human technology.

- 老师使用了一个史前工具的复制品来演示早期人类的技术。


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