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时间: 2024-10-05 08:50:47


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "punctuate," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The speaker paused to punctuate her speech with meaningful gestures.

- 演讲者停顿了一下,用有意义的手势来衬托她的演讲。

2. His laughter punctuated the seriousness of the meeting.

- 他的笑声为会议的严肃氛围增添了活力。

3. Thunder punctuated the silence of the night.

- 雷声打破了夜晚的寂静。

4. The story is punctuated with moments of humor.

- 故事中点缀了一些幽默的片段。

5. Her speech was punctuated by frequent applause.

- 她的演讲时常被频繁的掌声打断。

6. The novel is punctuated by vivid descriptions of nature.

- 这部小说通过生动的自然描写来增强节奏感。

7. The silence was punctuated only by the ticking of the clock.

- 只有时钟滴答的声音打破了寂静。

8. The music was punctuated by sudden changes in tempo.

- 音乐中不时有节奏的突然变化。

9. His writing style is punctuated by long, reflective passages.

- 他的写作风格中充满了长篇的反思段落。

10. The film is punctuated by dramatic twists and turns.

- 这部电影中充满了戏剧性的转折。

11. His speech was punctuated with rhetorical questions.

- 他的演讲中穿插了一些修辞性问题。

12. The peaceful scene was punctuated by the cry of a bird.

- 宁静的场景被一只鸟的叫声打破了。

13. Her essay is punctuated by insightful observations.

- 她的文章充满了深刻的观察。

14. The day was punctuated by moments of unexpected joy.

- 这一天时不时出现意外的快乐时刻。

15. The conversation was punctuated by awkward pauses.

- 对话中充满了尴尬的沉默。

每个例句都展示了 "punctuate" 如何描述不同场景中的间断、打破或点缀效果。

上一个 【英语】compunction的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】pungent的例句



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