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时间: 2024-10-05 06:45:48



1. The pungent smell of onions made her eyes water. (洋葱的刺鼻气味让她眼睛发红。)

2. He took a bite of the cheese and tasted its pungent flavor. (他咬了一口奶酪,尝到了它浓烈的味道。)

3. The medicine had a pungent aftertaste. (这药品有一种刺激性的余味。)

4. The chili peppers gave the dish a pungent kick. (辣椒给这道菜增添了一种强烈的辛辣味。)

5. She wrinkled her nose at the pungent odor coming from the garbage can. (她闻到垃圾桶里传来的刺鼻气味,皱起了鼻子。)

6. The pungent criticism stung him deeply. (尖锐的批评让他感到很受伤。)

7. The chef added a pungent garlic sauce to the pasta. (厨师给意大利面加了一些辛辣的大蒜酱。)

8. His pungent wit always kept the conversation lively. (他尖刻的机智总是使谈话生动起来。)

9. The smoke from the fire was pungent in the still night air. (火堆冒出的烟在寂静的夜空中有一种刺鼻的味道。)

10. The soap had a pungent, almost medicinal smell. (这种肥皂有一种刺激性的,几乎像药物的气味。)

11. His pungent critique of the policy sparked a heated debate. (他对政策的尖锐批评引发了一场激烈的辩论。)

12. The curry had a wonderfully pungent aroma. (咖喱有一种非常浓烈的香气。)

13. She sprayed air freshener to mask the pungent smell of the paint. (她喷了空气清新剂来遮盖油漆的刺鼻气味。)

14. The cheese had a pungent tang that lingered on the palate. (奶酪有一种浓烈的味道,留在了味蕾上。)

15. His pungent sarcasm was misunderstood by some as genuine hostility. (他尖刻的讽刺被一些人误解为真正的敌意。)


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