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时间: 2024-10-05 18:40:57


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "disport" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The children disported themselves in the playground until dusk. (孩子们在操场上玩耍直到黄昏。)

2. Peacocks disport their magnificent feathers during courtship displays. (孔雀在求偶展示时展示它们华丽的羽毛。)

3. The dolphins disported in the waves, leaping gracefully into the air. (海豚在波浪中嬉戏,优雅地跃出水面。)

4. The guests disported in elegant attire at the gala event. (宾客们在晚会上身着优雅的服装玩乐。)

5. She disported herself with grace and charm at the dance party. (她在舞会上展现出优雅和魅力。)

6. The tourists disported on the beach, enjoying the warm sun and clear water. (游客们在海滩上玩耍,享受着温暖的阳光和清澈的海水。)

7. The circus performers disported in daring acrobatic feats. (马戏团表演者在大胆的杂技表演中嬉戏。)

8. Cats are known to disport themselves with agility and grace. (猫以其敏捷和优雅的行为而闻名。)

9. The actor disported on stage, delighting the audience with his comedic antics. (演员在舞台上嬉戏,用他滑稽的动作让观众开心。)

10. Swans disport on the tranquil lake, gliding gracefully across the water. (天鹅在宁静的湖面上嬉戏,优雅地滑过水面。)

11. The puppies disported in the backyard, chasing each other joyfully. (小狗们在后院里嬉戏,欢快地追逐着彼此。)

12. The aristocrats disported at the royal ball, showcasing their refined manners. (贵族们在皇家舞会上玩乐,展示他们精致的礼仪。)

13. Children disporting in the snow built a snow fort together. (孩子们在雪地里嬉戏,一起建造了一个雪堡。)

14. Monkeys disport in the treetops, swinging from branch to branch. (猴子在树梢上嬉戏,从一根树枝荡到另一根。)

15. The dancers disported in synchronized movements, creating a mesmerizing performance. (舞者们在协调的动作中嬉戏,创造出迷人的表演。)


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