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时间: 2024-09-29 06:59:26


Certainly! 这里有一些关于“probability”(概率)的例句及其中文解释:

1. The probability of flipping a fair coin and getting heads is 1/2. (抛掷一个公正硬币得到正面的概率是1/2。)

2. There is a high probability of rain tomorrow based on the weather forecast. (根据天气预报,明天下雨的可能性很大。)

3. What is the probability of drawing a red card from a standard deck of playing cards? (从标准扑克牌中抽到一张红色牌的概率是多少?)

4. Scientists are studying the probability of a major earthquake occurring in this region. (科学家们正在研究这个地区发生大地震的概率。)

5. She calculated the probability of winning the lottery and found it to be very low. (她计算了中彩票的概率,发现非常低。)

6. The probability of success increases with careful planning and preparation. (通过认真的规划和准备,成功的概率会增加。)

7. There is a fifty-fifty probability of getting heads or tails when flipping a fair coin. (抛掷一个公正硬币得到正面或反面的概率是五五开。)

8. The company analyzed the probability of market demand for their new product. (公司分析了市场对他们新产品的需求概率。)

9. Understanding the probability of various outcomes is essential in making informed decisions. (理解各种结果的概率对做出明智决策至关重要。)

10. The probability of encountering traffic during rush hour is quite high in this city. (在这个城市,高峰时间遇到交通拥堵的概率相当高。)

11. They assessed the probability of a successful negotiation with the client before proceeding. (他们在继续之前评估了与客户成功谈判的概率。)

12. Weather forecasters use historical data to estimate the probability of hurricanes during the storm season. (气象预报员利用历史数据估计风暴季节发生飓风的概率。)

13. The probability of finding a parking spot in this area is very low. (在这个区域找到停车位的概率非常低。)

14. Statisticians use probability theory to analyze patterns in data. (统计学家使用概率理论分析数据中的模式。)

15. Calculating the probability of a disease outbreak helps public health officials plan responses. (计算疾病爆发的概率有助于公共卫生官员制定响应计划。)


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