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时间: 2024-09-29 02:58:46


Certainly! "Probative" refers to something that serves as evidence or proof. Here are 15 sentences using "probative" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The fingerprint found at the scene was highly probative in identifying the suspect. (现场找到的指纹对于确认嫌疑人身份具有很高的证据价值。)

2. The witness's testimony provided probative evidence of the defendant's guilt. (证人的证词提供了被告有罪的证据。)

3. The video footage was deemed probative despite its poor quality. (尽管画质不佳,这段录像仍被认为具有证据价值。)

4. The DNA analysis provided probative evidence linking the suspect to the crime. (DNA分析提供了将嫌疑人与犯罪联系起来的证据。)

5. The expert's report was crucial as probative evidence in the trial. (专家的报告在审判中是关键的证据。)

6. The judge admitted the document as probative of the contract's existence. (法官接受了该文件作为合同存在的证据。)

7. The email exchange was probative in establishing the timeline of events. (电子邮件往来在确定事件时间线方面具有证据价值。)

8. The confession was ruled inadmissible because it lacked probative value. (由于缺乏证据价值,该供述被裁定为不可接受。)

9. The circumstantial evidence presented was highly probative of premeditation. (提出的间接证据在证明预谋方面具有很高的证据价值。)

10. The jury considered the fingerprint match to be highly probative in their deliberations. (陪审团认为指纹匹配在他们的审议中具有很高的证据价值。)

11. The financial records were probative of the company's profitability. (财务记录证明了公司的盈利能力。)

12. The intercepted communication was probative in uncovering the conspiracy. (拦截的通信在揭露阴谋方面具有证据价值。)

13. The forensic analysis provided probative evidence that contradicted the defendant's alibi. (法庭鉴定提供了与被告不在场辩护相矛盾的证据。)

14. The recovered weapon was probative in linking the suspect to the crime scene. (找到的武器在将嫌疑人与犯罪现场联系起来方面具有证据价值。)

15. The expert witness's testimony was crucial as probative evidence regarding the cause of death. (专家证人的证词在确定死因方面是至关重要的证据。)

These sentences illustrate different contexts in which "probative" is used to describe evidence or information that helps establish facts or conclusions in various situations.

上一个 【英语】probation的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】reprobation的例句



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