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时间: 2024-10-06 20:48:47


Certainly! "Consanguineous" refers to relationships or individuals related by blood or descended from a common ancestor. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. Consanguineous marriages are common in some cultures, where cousins often marry each other.

- 在某些文化中,近亲婚姻很常见,表兄妹经常会结婚。

2. The genetic counselor advised against consanguineous marriage due to increased risk of inherited disorders.

- 遗传咨询师建议不要进行近亲婚姻,因为这会增加遗传疾病的风险。

3. The royal family preferred consanguineous marriages to maintain their lineage and traditions.

- 皇室家族倾向于进行近亲婚姻,以维护他们的血统和传统。

4. The research focused on the health outcomes of children born from consanguineous unions.

- 这项研究关注于近亲结合所生儿童的健康结果。

5. In some societies, consanguineous relationships are seen as a way to strengthen family bonds.

- 在一些社会中,近亲关系被视为加强家庭纽带的一种方式。

6. There was a debate among scholars about the advantages and disadvantages of consanguineous marriages.

- 学者们就近亲婚姻的优缺点展开了辩论。

7. The community had strict rules regarding consanguineous marriages to prevent genetic problems.

- 社区对近亲婚姻有严格的规定,以防止遗传问题的发生。

8. They discovered they were consanguineous relatives after tracing their family histories.

- 他们在追溯家族历史后发现他们是近亲亲属关系。

9. Consanguineous unions were traditionally encouraged to keep property within the family.

- 传统上鼓励进行近亲结合,以保持财产在家族内部的传承。

10. The study explored cultural attitudes towards consanguineous marriages across different regions.

- 这项研究探讨了不同地区对近亲婚姻的文化态度。

11. They faced societal pressure to enter into consanguineous marriages due to family expectations.

- 由于家庭期望,他们面临社会压力要进行近亲婚姻。

12. Consanguineous relationships were sometimes viewed as a way to preserve cultural heritage.

- 有时候,近亲关系被视为保护文化遗产的一种方式。

13. Medical professionals highlighted the importance of genetic counseling for consanguineous couples.

- 医学专业人员强调了对近亲夫妇进行遗传咨询的重要性。

14. There were legal restrictions in place to regulate consanguineous marriages in that jurisdiction.

- 针对近亲婚姻,在该司法管辖区内设有法律限制。

15. Heritage studies revealed a pattern of consanguineous unions among nobility in medieval Europe.

- 遗传研究揭示了中世纪欧洲贵族中近亲结合的模式。


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