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时间: 2024-10-06 20:58:55


Certainly! "Sanguine" can be used to describe someone who is optimistic, cheerful, or hopeful. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. She remained sanguine about the outcome of her exams, despite the difficult questions. (尽管考试题目难度大,她依然对考试结果很乐观。)

2. Despite the setbacks, he maintained a sanguine attitude towards his career prospects. (尽管遇到挫折,他依然对自己的职业前景很乐观。)

3. The team remained sanguine about their chances of winning the championship. (团队对自己赢得冠军的机会仍然很乐观。)

4. Even in the face of adversity, she was sanguine that things would improve soon. (即使面对逆境,她依然对情况很快会好转很乐观。)

5. His sanguine temperament made him popular among his peers. (他乐观的性格使他在同龄人中很受欢迎。)

6. Despite the economic downturn, he remained sanguine about the future of the company. (尽管经济下行,他依然对公司的未来很乐观。)

7. She was sanguine about her recovery after the surgery. (手术后她对自己的康复很乐观。)

8. His sanguine outlook on life inspired those around him. (他对生活的乐观态度激励了周围的人。)

9. They were sanguine that their hard work would eventually pay off. (他们对自己的努力终将会有所回报很乐观。)

10. Despite the delays, the team remained sanguine that the project would be completed on time. (尽管遇到了延误,团队依然很乐观地认为项目会按时完成。)

11. Her sanguine personality helped her cope with stressful situations. (她乐观的个性帮助她应对压力情况。)

12. He remained sanguine despite the criticism from his peers. (尽管受到同行的批评,他依然心态乐观。)

13. Their sanguine attitude towards the merger reassured the investors. (他们对合并的乐观态度使投资者感到安心。)

14. She was sanguine that the negotiations would lead to a favorable agreement. (她对谈判能达成有利协议很乐观。)

15. Despite the initial failures, he remained sanguine that his business idea would eventually succeed. (尽管最初失败了,他依然对自己的商业想法最终能成功很乐观。)

These sentences illustrate different contexts in which "sanguine" can be used to describe a positive and hopeful attitude towards various situations.

上一个 【英语】consanguineous的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】exsanguine的例句



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