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时间: 2024-09-19 19:53:07


“Presentiment” 是一个英文名词,指的是一种预感或预兆,通常指对未来事件的强烈直觉感觉。以下是15个关于“presentiment”的例句及其中文解释:

1. She had a strong presentiment that something bad was going to happen.

- 她有一种强烈的预感,觉得会发生不好的事情。

2. His presentiment about the storm turned out to be correct.

- 他对暴风雨的预感证明是正确的。

3. Despite her presentiment, she went ahead with the trip.

- 尽管她有预感,但她还是决定去旅行。

4. The old man spoke with a presentiment of doom about the future.

- 那位老人对未来说话时带有一种厄运的预感。

5. She couldn't shake the presentiment that something was wrong.

- 她无法摆脱一种不对劲的预感。

6. His presentiment of the upcoming challenges gave him a sense of dread.

- 他对即将到来的挑战的预感让他感到一种恐惧。

7. The presentiment she felt was a warning she couldn’t ignore.

- 她的预感是一个她无法忽视的警告。

8. A presentiment of loss haunted him throughout the day.

- 一种丧失的预感整天萦绕在他心头。

9. She tried to ignore her presentiment, but it was too strong to dismiss.

- 她试图忽视她的预感,但这种感觉太强烈了,无法忽视。

10. His presentiment about the outcome of the project proved to be true.

- 他对项目结果的预感被证明是对的。

11. The presentiment she had about the meeting made her anxious.

- 她对会议的预感让她感到焦虑。

12. A vague presentiment of danger kept him on edge.

- 一种模糊的危险预感让他一直处于紧张状态。

13. She had a presentiment of great change coming into her life.

- 她对生活中即将到来的重大变化有一种预感。

14. His presentiment of the future led him to make drastic decisions.

- 他对未来的预感促使他做出了剧烈的决定。

15. The presentiment he felt before the accident was chillingly accurate.

- 他在事故发生前的预感惊人地准确。


上一个 【英语】dissension的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】resentment的例句



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