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时间: 2024-09-20 03:31:08


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations for the word "resentment":

1. She couldn't hide her resentment towards her boss for passing her over for promotion. (她对老板因为没有提升她而怀有愤恨。)

2. His resentment towards his childhood friend grew over the years due to unresolved conflicts. (多年来,由于未解决的矛盾,他对童年朋友的怨恨越来越深。)

3. The teacher sensed the students' resentment towards the new school rules. (老师感受到学生们对新校规的怨恨。)

4. There was a deep-seated resentment among the employees regarding the unequal pay scales. (员工们对不公平的薪酬体系怀有根深蒂固的怨恨。)

5. His resentment towards authority figures stemmed from a difficult childhood experience. (他对权威人士的怨恨源于他艰难的童年经历。)

6. She struggled to let go of her resentment towards her ex-husband after their divorce. (离婚后,她很难释怀对前夫的怨恨。)

7. The resentment between the two rival gangs led to a series of violent clashes. (两个对立帮派之间的怨恨导致了一系列的暴力冲突。)

8. His resentment towards his parents for favoring his siblings was evident in his attitude. (他因为父母偏爱兄弟姐妹而对他们怀有怨恨,在他的态度中表现得很明显。)

9. Overcoming resentment towards past failures is essential for personal growth. (克服对过去失败的怨恨对个人成长至关重要。)

10. The politician's speech was filled with resentment towards his opponents. (政治家的演讲充满了对对手的怨恨。)

11. She felt a surge of resentment when her ideas were dismissed without consideration. (当她的想法未经考虑就被否决时,她感到一阵怨恨。)

12. His resentment towards the company's management was palpable after being unfairly treated. (在受到不公正对待后,他对公司管理层怀有明显的怨恨。)

13. The resentment between the neighboring countries resulted in a prolonged border dispute. (邻国之间的怨恨导致了长期的边界争端。)

14. It took years for him to let go of his resentment towards his childhood bully. (他花了多年的时间才释怀对童年霸凌者的怨恨。)

15. Despite their past conflicts, she managed to bury her resentment towards her sister and reconcile. (尽管过去有冲突,她还是设法埋藏对妹妹的怨恨,并和解了。)


上一个 【英语】presentiment的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】seniority的例句



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