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时间: 2024-09-29 00:53:30


Certainly! 这里有关于“sinus”的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. He suffers from chronic sinusitis, which causes frequent headaches. (他患有慢性鼻窦炎,经常引起头痛。)

2. The sinus cavities in the skull help to lighten the weight of the head. (头骨中的鼻窦腔有助于减轻头部的重量。)

3. The doctor prescribed antibiotics for the sinus infection. (医生给他开了抗生素治鼻窦感染。)

4. The sinusoidal wave pattern was graphed on the board. (正弦波形的图案被画在了黑板上。)

5. His snoring was due to a blocked sinus passage. (他的打鼾是由于鼻窦通道堵塞造成的。)

6. The hiker experienced altitude-induced sinus pressure during the climb. (登山者在攀登过程中经历了由高原引起的鼻窦压力。)

7. She used a saline solution to rinse her sinuses and relieve congestion. (她用盐水溶液冲洗她的鼻窦以缓解充血。)

8. The sinusoidal function is widely used in mathematics and physics. (正弦函数在数学和物理学中被广泛应用。)

9. A blocked sinus can lead to difficulty in breathing. (鼻窦堵塞会导致呼吸困难。)

10. The sinus rhythm of the heart was regular during the ECG test. (在心电图检查中,心脏的窦性节律是规律的。)

11. Sinus headaches often worsen in cold weather. (鼻窦头痛在寒冷天气中常常加重。)

12. He underwent surgery to correct a deviated nasal septum and sinus issues. (他接受了手术以矫正偏斜的鼻中隔和鼻窦问题。)

13. The sinusoidal motion of the pendulum was studied in physics class. (物理课上研究了钟摆的正弦运动。)

14. Sinusoidal functions are fundamental in the analysis of alternating current circuits. (正弦函数在交流电路分析中是基础性的。)

15. The doctor recommended steam inhalation to alleviate sinus congestion. (医生建议蒸汽吸入来缓解鼻窦充血。)


上一个 【英语】dissemble的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】sinuate的例句



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